
NAmE 中文

EN name

    Definition of NAmE in English Dictionary

  • 专有名词 (Proper noun)
    1. Abbreviation of North American English.
    2. 更多范例
      1. 用于句中
        • His full name is Ernest Tinkleton, but he goes by Ernie.
        • "What can you buy over the internet?" "You name it."
        • I did call the Diuell by the name of Tom. I did stroake him on the backe, and then he would becke vnto me, and wagge his tayle as being therewith contented.'
      2. 用于句尾
        • How much do you want to bet he pitches a tent when he finds out she knows his name?
        • The best bit is the most obscure: When Vivien announces her plans to stay temporarily with a local antiques dealer, Ethel Mae Potter, only “Lucy” obsessionists may recognize Ethel Mertz’s maiden name.
        • A person is born into their skin group and thus, in addition to a personal name, shares with other relatives who are similarly classified, a skin name.
    • 词类阶层 (Part-of-Speech Hierarchy)
      1. 名词
        • 专有名词

      Other Vocabulary

      形似词 (Look-Alike Words)
      1. en named
      2. en names
      3. en namer
      4. en Nam
      5. en AmE
      资料来源: 维基词典

      Meaning of NAmE for the defined word.

      明确性: 级别 1
      明确的    ➨     多用途