
emotion 中文

EN[ɪˈmoʊʃən] [iˈmoʊʃən] [ɪˈməʊʃən] [-əʊʃən]
情绪 情绪
  • 情绪,是对一系列主观认知经验的通称,是多种感觉、思想和行为综合产生的心理和生理状态。最普遍、通俗的情绪有喜、怒、哀、惊、恐、爱等,也有一些细腻微妙的情绪如嫉妒、惭愧、羞耻、自豪等。情绪常和心情、性格、脾气、目的等因素互相作用,也受到荷尔蒙和神经递质影响。
  • 情绪可以被分类为与生俱来的“基本情绪”和后天学习到的“复杂情绪”。基本情绪和原始人类生存息息相关,复杂情绪必须经过人与人之间的交流才能学习到,因此每个人所拥有的复杂情绪数量和对情绪的定义都不一样。
FR émotion

    Definition of emotion in English Dictionary

  • 名词 (Noun)PLemotionsSUF-tion
    1. A person's internal state of being and involuntary physiological response to an object or a situation, based on or tied to physical state and sensory data.
      1. He was thinking; but the glory of the song, the swell from the great organ, the clustered lights, […], the height and vastness of this noble fane, its antiquity and its strength—all these things seemed to have their part as causes of the thrilling emotion that accompanied his thoughts.
    2. A reaction by a non-human organism with behavioral and physiological elements similar to a person's response.
    3. 更多范例
      1. 用于句中
        • He toyed with her emotions just to get her in bed. He took advantage of her.
        • ( emotion ) I can reblot about the queasy feeling of that restaurant.
        • The anterior cingulated cortex (ACC) is a major cortical area of the limbic loop system, integrating emotion and cognition.
      2. 用于句首
        • Emotions are often bottled up rather than dealt with, which can lead to stress in later life.
      3. 用于句尾
        • Logic compels the wise, while fools feel compelled by emotions.
    • 词类阶层 (Part-of-Speech Hierarchy)
      1. 名词
        • 可数名词
      1. en emotions
      2. en emotional
      3. en emotionally
      4. en emotionalism
      5. en emotioned
      资料来源: 维基词典

      Meaning of emotion for the defined word.

      困难度: 级别 1
      容易     ➨     困难
      明确性: 级别 8
      明确的    ➨     多用途