
even if 中文


    Definition of even if in English Dictionary

  • 副词 (Adverb)PREeven-
    1. irrespective of.
    2. 更多范例
      1. 用于句中
        • They claim that a party has the right to participate fully in political life even if it is avowedly and openly liberticidal.
        • You should lay a foundation, even if you can't finish the project.
        • Males of all three species have very similar microtrichosity pattern of mesoscutum which otherwise helps to associate males with females even if not taken in copula.
      2. 用于句首
        • Even if I say so myself, Christmas chez the Forests is quite a heart-warming affair. For Ben, growing up, it was pure magic - a log fire in the grate, ...
        • Even if you do not identify yourself as a convention-goer, the hotel will figure it out by the dates you request.
        • Even if it were working perfectly, the stimulus would not come close to stemming the cascade of joblessness unleashed by this megarecession.
    • 词类阶层 (Part-of-Speech Hierarchy)
      1. 副词
        • 不可比的副词

      Other Vocabulary

      形似词 (Look-Alike Words)
      1. en Evenki
      2. en even as
      3. en even so
      4. en even up
      5. en eventify
      资料来源: 维基词典

      Meaning of even if for the defined word.

      在语法上,这个成语"even if"是一个副词,更具体地来说,是一个不可比的副词
      明确性: 级别 1
      明确的    ➨     多用途