
lighting 中文

灯光 (light的现在分词) 照明
  • 照明指的是,使用各種光源(人工的如燈泡,或自然的日光)來照亮特定的場所或環境。現代的人工照明主要使用的是電力照明裝置,而過去使用的則是煤氣燈(瓦斯燈)、蠟燭、油燈等。

    Definition of lighting in English Dictionary

  • 名词 (Noun)PLlightingsSUF-ing
    1. The equipment used to provide illumination; the illumination so provided.
      1. The dawn of the oil age was fairly recent. Although the stuff was used to waterproof boats in the Middle East 6,000 years ago, extracting it in earnest began only in 1859 after an oil strike in Pennsylvania. [ …] It was used to make kerosene, the main fuel for artificial lighting after overfishing led to a shortage of whale blubber. Other liquids produced in the refining process, too unstable or smoky for lamplight, were burned or dumped.
    2. The act of activating such equipment, or of igniting a flame etc.
      1. The process of annealing metals.
      2. 更多范例
        1. 用于句中
          • The Canadian ratings program runs the gamut from home appliances, consumer electronics and computerware to doors, windows, furnaces, lighting fixtures and new houses in their entirety.
          • Furthermore, multiple levels of ceiling cove lighting were rewired, then the fixtures rebulbed, as restorers say, returning the illumination to a glory not seen for 50 years, Mr. Tarozzi said.
          • Stage lighting alters, too: from an exposed bulb hanging at the start to eclipselike effects later.
        2. 用于句尾
          • Eyes undergoing vitrectomy are normally exposed to light by endoillumination, illumination by the operating microscope, and chandelier lighting.
      • 词类阶层 (Part-of-Speech Hierarchy)
        1. 名词
          • 可数名词
        1. en lightings
        2. en lighting to
        3. en lighting up
        4. en lighting out
        资料来源: 维基词典

        Meaning of lighting for the defined word.

        困难度: 级别 2
        容易     ➨     困难
        明确性: 级别 4
        明确的    ➨     多用途