
mountain 中文

EN[ˈmaʊntɪn] [ˈmaʊntn̩] [ˈmãʊ̯̃(n)ʔn̩] [ˈmæ̃ʊ̯̃(n)ʔn̩]
山, 山岳, 山脉
  • 山是地面上被平地所围绕的具有较大的绝对高度和相对高度而凸起的地貌区。山离地面高度通常在100米以上,包括低山、中山与高山,是否被稱作山取決於當地人。 山一般是因板塊碰撞或是火山作用而產生。山會因河流、氣候作用或是冰河而慢慢侵蝕。
  • 高山上因為高海拔而出現高山气候,氣溫會比海平面低,因此會影響高山的生態系。不同的高度會有不同的動植物,由於其氣候及環境較不適宜居住,高山上的農業較平地少。有些休閒娛樂和高山有關,例如爬山及滑雪。
  • 地球上最高的山是在亞洲喜馬拉雅山上的珠穆朗瑪峰,距海平面的高度為8849公尺。太陽系中最高的山是火星上的奧林帕斯山,高度是21229公尺。
EN Mountain

    Definition of mountain in English Dictionary

  • 名词 (Noun)PLmountainsSUF-ain
    1. A large mass of earth and rock, rising above the common level of the earth or adjacent land, usually given by geographers as above 1000 feet in height (or 304.8 metres), though such masses may still be described as hills in comparison with larger mountains.
      1. Everest is the highest mountain in the world.
      2. We spent the weekend hiking in the mountains.
    2. A large amount.
      1. There's still a mountain of work to do.
    3. (figuratively) A difficult task or challenge.
      1. Five minutes into the game the Black Cats were facing a mountain, partly because of West Brom's newly-found ruthlessness in front of goal but also as a result of the home side's defensive generosity.
    4. (figuratively) A thick breast of a lady.
    5. 更多范例
      1. 用于句中
        • His traversal of the mountains allowed him a view from the peak.
        • Among all chains or clusters of mountains where large bodies of still water are bedded.
        • Once a sawmilling town that was a gateway to forests of mountain ash and waterfalls, it has also come to embrace tourist lurks, such as arts and crafts.
      2. 用于句尾
        • The inn also offers adventure packages, including ziplining and a truck safari, where a military vehicle chugs up the side of a muddy mountain.
        • He took them up with him on his next trip to the mountains.
        • "you guys wasn't gettin' paid to leave the dogs to babysit the sheep while you stemmed the rose", from Brokeback Mountain.
    • 词类阶层 (Part-of-Speech Hierarchy)
      1. 名词
        • 可数名词
      1. en mountains
      2. en mountainous
      3. en mountainy
      4. en mountained
      5. en mountainer
      资料来源: 维基词典

      Meaning of mountain for the defined word.

      困难度: 级别 1
      容易     ➨     困难
      明确性: 级别 9
      明确的    ➨     多用途