
nation 中文

EN[ˈneɪʃən] [-eɪʃən]
民族, 国家 國族
  • 國族(英语:Nation),又称民族、国民、国人,是民族的一类特殊状态。Nation原指的是「非羅馬帝國」世界的野蠻部落,後來擴大使用到包括「己群」的任何民族之上,並具有包括血統、文化和政治等因素在內的多種意義。但它常與具有國家政治體系的民族型態相聯繫,成為民族國家的限定修飾語。
  • 由單一民族組成國家的政治理念,稱為民族國家。
FR nation

    Definition of nation in English Dictionary

  • 名词 (Noun)PLnationsSUF-ation
    1. An historically constituted, stable community of people, formed on the basis of a common language, territory, economic life, ethnicity and/or psychological make-up manifested in a common culture.
      1. The Roma are a nation without a country. ‎
      2. The Kurdish people constitute a nation in the Middle East
    2. (international law) A sovereign state.
      1. It is tempting to speculate about the incentives or compulsions that might explain why anyone would take to the skies in [the] basket [of a balloon]:  [ …] perhaps to muse on the irrelevance of the borders that separate nation states and keep people from understanding their shared environment.
    3. (chiefly historical) An association of students based on their birthplace or ethnicity. syn.
      1. Once widespread across Europe in medieval times, nations are now largely restricted to the ancient universities of Sweden and Finland. ‎
    4. (obsolete) A great number; a great deal.
      1. (rare) Damnation.
      2. 副词 (Adverb)
        1. (rare, dialectal) Extremely; very.
        2. 更多范例
          1. 用于句中
            • He has no official political role, but he is a unifying force and peacemaker in a nation that has become increasingly factionalized and acrimonious.
            • We talk a lot about being "a nation of laws," but some of the laws found on the books of states, counties and municipalities are a bit much.
            • As a nation we seem to be callously indifferent to the misery of even our own compatriots, kith and kin, and stone-heartedly immune to the woes of others.
          2. 用于句尾
            • Practiced on an international scale, eugenocide will do much to prevent lingering, tortuous death by starvation, occasioned so often by overbrowse in underdeveloped nations.
            • They are representatives that will loosely conjoin a nation.
        • 词类阶层 (Part-of-Speech Hierarchy)
          1. 副词
            • 名词
              • 不确定复数名词
                • 可数名词
              1. fr nation
              2. en nations
              3. fr nations
              4. en national
              5. fr national
              资料来源: 维基词典

              Meaning of nation for the defined word.

              困难度: 级别 1
              容易     ➨     困难
              明确性: 级别 9
              明确的    ➨     多用途