
passaging 中文


    Definition of passaging in English Dictionary

  • 动词 (Verb)BFpassageSGpassagesPT, PPpassagedSUF-ing
    1. present participle of passage.
    2. 更多范例
      1. 用于句中
        • se Palley, Unlikely Passages (1998) p. 39. We are anesthetized against most terrors of land. ... HydroPhobias begin on land long before casting off. But once at sea, fear quickly is lost.
        • If the inital passage consists of a series of paragraphs, each with a one-sentence summary, the individual's success in managing to précis the essential content of the message can then be assessed
        • But other passages of “Concerto DSCH” have strong elements of what ballet folk define as both demicharacter and character dance.
      2. 用于句尾
        • The geologic record registers a number of other things happening around the time of this superwave passage.
    • 词类阶层 (Part-of-Speech Hierarchy)
      1. 动词
        • 动词形态
          • 分词
            • 现在分词

      Other Vocabulary

      形似词 (Look-Alike Words)
      1. en massaging
      2. en messaging
      资料来源: 维基词典

      Meaning of passaging for the defined word.

      明确性: 级别 1
      明确的    ➨     多用途