
programming 中文


    Definition of programming in English Dictionary

  • 名词 (Noun)BFprogramPLprogramsPREpro-SUF-ing
    1. (broadcasting) The designing, scheduling or planning of a radio or television program / programme.
      1. The network changed its programming to mess with DVRs again. ‎
    2. brain-washing.
      1. (computing) The act of writing a computer program.
        1. Management wanted to know how much programming the project would need. ‎
      2. The software that controls a machine, or the logic or expressed in such software; operating instructions.
        1. A robot's programming doesn't allow for love. ‎
    3. 动词 (Verb)BFprogramSGprogramsPT, PPprogrammed
      1. present participle of program.
        1. present participle of programme.
          1. I was programming a new module for the software package.
          2. He was programming the VCR.
      2. 更多范例
        1. 用于句中
          • The BBC is usually so good at what it does, its programming standards are so uniformly high, that a spot of live human crapness is refreshing.
          • With its 135 flights across three decades, the space shuttle program is the same way — too vast, sprawling, complex and multipurposed to easily contain within any human narrative.
          • The Forensic Lucid intensional programming language is based in part on its Lucid predecessors and codecessors, such as Indexical Lucid, GIPL, JLucid, and JOOIP.[1]
        2. 用于句尾
          • 1995, Christopher Jencks, The Homeless‎, p. 46: Because punishment does so little to deter chemical addiction, liberal reformers usually prefer detox centers and twelve-step programs.
          • He became a director of weekend late-night programming.
          • In a statement signed by a dozen other leftists, he said that his group would form a new antibailout movement, one opposed to the memorandum specifying the details of the new loan program.
      • 词类阶层 (Part-of-Speech Hierarchy)
        1. 名词
          • 单数形态
            • 不可数名词
          • 动词
            • 动词形态
              • 分词
                • 现在分词
          1. en programmings
          2. en programming language
          3. en programming principle
          4. en programming interface
          5. en programming interfaces
          资料来源: 维基词典

          Meaning of programming for the defined word.

          困难度: 级别 5
          容易     ➨     困难
          明确性: 级别 6
          明确的    ➨     多用途