
technology 中文

EN[tɛkˈnɒlədʒi] [tɛkˈnɑlədʒi]
工艺学, 工艺, 技术 技术
  • 技術可以指人類對機器、硬體或人造器皿的運用,但它也可以包含更廣的架構,如系統、組織方法學和技巧。它是知識進化的主體,由社會形塑或形塑社會。如電腦等新技術的增生使人們相信技術是社會進化的決定性力量,換句話說,它是驅動改變的自發性動力。
  • 最初,人類會把石塊等自然界的材料,製作成一些簡單的工具,這已是技術的起源。而史前人類發現生火的方法,也增添了食物的來源和種類;輪子的發明則令人類的運輸變得更為方便。這些都是古時技術的例子。現今的發明,如印刷机、電話、電腦、網路和互聯網,為人類提供了新的通信途徑。
  • 技術對社會的影響不容忽視,就連現今全球的經濟都離不開技術發展的成果。而許多技術生產、加工的過程中,可能會產生一些無用途的副產品,成為污染排放的來源,並耗用了大量的自然資源,引致不同的環境問題。新技術的發展,亦會帶來一些新的倫理問題,或是改變大眾的習慣。

    Definition of technology in English Dictionary

  • 名词 (Noun)PLtechnologiesPREtechno-SUF-ology
    1. (uncountable) The organization of knowledge for practical purposes.
      1. Across Japan, technology companies and private investors are racing to install devices that until recently they had little interest in: solar panels. Massive solar parks are popping up as part of a rapid build-up that one developer likened to an "explosion."
    2. All the different and usable technologies developed by a culture or people.
    3. 更多范例
      1. 用于句中
        • While the Cointreau technology did not strike him as novel, Mr. Freeman was curious about the spherification kit the company had put together for bartenders.
        • It says that export controls on specific items or technologies should last no longer than 1 year unless the government can recertify them.
        • Exxopolis is the first luminarium to be mainly designed on computer and the new technology has permitted a very-wide ranging experiment.
      2. 用于句首
        • Technology shrinks and expands at the same time: we launched PORTER, our glossy shoppable print magazine in February 2014, because our customers enjoy 360-degree immersive experiences.
      3. 用于句尾
        • A technotard is a person who is unable to get around on their phone or computer or has to hand over the remote to any new technology.
        • Algal biofuel, sometimes nicknamed oilgae by environmentalists, is a promising technology.
        • We live in a society that sets great store by science and technology.
    • 词类阶层 (Part-of-Speech Hierarchy)
      1. 名词
        • 可数名词
          • 单数形态
            • 不可数名词
        1. en technologyless
        2. en technology tree
        3. en technology trees
        4. en technology transfer
        5. en technology transfers
        资料来源: 维基词典

        Meaning of technology for the defined word.

        困难度: 级别 4
        容易     ➨     困难
        明确性: 级别 9
        明确的    ➨     多用途