
able 范例

EN[ˈeɪ.bl̩] [-eɪbəl]

    Examples of able in a Sentence

  • 例句 able
    1. After three weeks in bed he was finally able to sit up under his own steam.
    2. It was a sturdy building, able to withstand strong winds and cold weather.
    3. The electron microscope is able to resolve detail at the subatomic level.
    4. Even if, later on, she was able to examine and analyze certain aspects of popular culture (as inNotes on Camp,” 1964), she could undertake such a thing only in service to a higher goal — she was immune to subintellectual cultural pleasures.
    5. There's only a teensy chance that I'll be able to make your party, as I'm up to my eyeballs in work.
    6. I was able to take the second trick with the queen of hearts. ‎
    7. A pedestrian was able to trip the burglar as he was running away.
    8. As a consequence, the turbiditic currents of marly mud are not able to cause erosion similar to those of siliciclastic mud.
    9. In the event, he was able to keep the lid on his fountain pen, but the bank has not escaped unchastened, said Damian Reece in The Daily Telegraph - Issue of the week: how high will interest rates go?, The Week, Issue 597, page 45.
  • 例句 ablest
    1. as he approaches to the character of the ablest statesman.
  1. fr able
  2. en ablest
  3. en able-bodied
  4. en abler
  5. en abled
资料来源: 维基词典
困难度: 级别 1
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明确性: 级别 9
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