
argument 范例

EN[ˈɑːɡjʊmənt] [ˈɑɹɡjumənt] [ˈɑɹɡjʊmənt] [ˈɑɹɡjəmənt]
争论, 辩论, 理由 逻辑论证

    Examples of argument in a Sentence

  • 例句 argument
    1. He’s using people in a nonloving fashion to serve the purpose of his argument.
    2. The most influential contemporary school of non-theistic philosophers, the school of Comte, deny that either theism or atheism can be proved, and proscribe, with impartial rigour, all argument on either side...
    3. II. A second argument on which the practice of immersion is confidently based is the alleged admissions of pædobaptist writers in favour of that mode of performing the ordinance.
    4. a potent argument
    5. The customer gave a red-faced account of the argument with the waiter.
    6. This argument was put forward by the defendant self.
    7. His argument was not convincing in the debate, considering how tenuous it was.
    8. a twofold nature; a twofold sense; a twofold argument
  • 例句 arguments
    1. While those folks are caught up in theological arguments about LISP versus PROLOG, [ …]
    2. The lesson could start with a ‘thought shower’ session considering the arguments for and against getting involved as an individual when pupils witness a crime such as robbery and assault.
    3. "Those were the best of the arguments," one Usonian remembered.
    4. Government MP's sympathetic to the opposition's arguments are starting to break cover.
    5. to enforce arguments or requests
    6. Based on your arguments you must believe that C&S should be allowed to spamvertise.
    7. to subtilize arguments
    8. This fallacy is what it sounds like. Speakers routinely try to play on the emotions of the crown in lieu of making real arguments. 'I know this national missile defense plan has its detractors, but won't someone please think of the children'?
    9. "Maybe I'm a dumb Pollock. Is that too simple?" Krzyzewski's arguments were well-founded.
  1. fr argument
  2. en arguments
  3. fr arguments
  4. en argumentative
  5. fr argumentative
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