
echoed 范例

呼应 (echo的过去式和过去分词)

    Examples of echoed in a Sentence

  • 例句 echo
    1. The initial letters of their names happily constituted the word "cabal", which with even greater serendipity had a slightly sinister echo of the word cabbala (a secret mystical tradition of Jewish rabbis uncovering hidden meanings in the Bible.)
    2. Brain MRI images were obtained parallel to the orbitomeatal line using the following parameters: TR/TE 9000/120 ms, pixel spacing 0.449 mm/0.449 mm, FOV 230×230 mm, and slice thickness 5 mm for fluid-attenuated inversion recovery (FLAIR); TR/TE 9000/100 ms, pixel spacing 0.240 mm/0.240 mm, FOV 230×230 mm, and slice thickness 5 mm for T2 weighted images (T2); and TR/TE 600/16 ms, pixel spacing 0.449 mm/0.449 mm, FOV 250×250 mm, and slice thickness 5 mm for gradient recalled echo (GRE) imaging.
  • 例句 echoes
    1. “The tradecraft of the modern-day special operator, parachuting into the Hindu Kush after the Taliban ,” echoes “the efforts of men from a preindustrial community struggling through New England winters on hickory and deergut snowshoes,” Ross writes.
    2. The midday echoes reply drowsily, the solitary horseman curses and “clattawa’s” up the road as though suddenly impressed with the idea that somebody is hooking his dinner over the hill[...]
    3. Glazer echoes the lament of his friend and collaborator, Daniel Patrick Moynihan , for the Westway project, supposedly a victim of New York’s “regulatory and litigatory maze.”
    4. She echoes another Brooklyn transplant, the rapping global provocateuse M.I.A. (who appears on the album), with agressive[sic] chants and electro riffs in “Creator” and “Unstoppable.”
    5. Dephasing of transverse magnetization due to the magnetic field inhomogeneities at boundary surfaces of intrapulmonary air and liquid or solid tissue are refocusable through the use of spin echoes.
  • 例句 echoed
    1. Justice Scalia’s comments echoed the often-heard complaints of the defense bar that shareholder litigation poses such a threat to a public company that it forces the defendant to settle even unmeritorious lawsuits.
    2. The footsteps of the students echoed in the empty hall.
    3. 1978: ‘Hail!’ Her clear cry echoed off the cliffs like a tantara, and was answered at once by one thrilling shout from a myriad of voices: ‘Hail!’ — Stephen Donaldson, The Illearth War
    4. The uxoriousness of Charles [the First] is re-echoed by all the writers of a certain party.
  • 例句 echoing
    1. Echoing the views of my colleagues from the region and beyond, I told the Security Council on Feb. 18, 2003, that while the ramifications of the war could go beyond anyone’s calculations, “one outcome is almost certain: extremism stands to benefit enormously from an uncalculated adventure in Iraq.”
    2. The clearest example of echoing Hezbollah came Monday when thousands attended a so-called victory rally, and Mahmoud Zahar, an influential Hamas leader, briefly came out of hiding to tell the rallygoers that his organization would rebuild any house that had been damaged by the Israeli strikes.
    3. Colonel Allen sat transfixed in his jeep, reminiscing as Charlie Company's Jody cadence gradually receded; echoing and re-echoing through honeysuckled foothills he had once traversed as a young officer candidate.
    4. When Goebbels orchestrated his radio simulcast for Christmas 1942, the strains of “Silent Night” could be heard echoing from Lillehammer and Lapland to North Africa and Crete. Stalingrad was the eastern point of a vast continental triangle. This violent and exhilarating deprovincialization was an essential part of the German war experience.

Other Vocabulary

形似词 (Look-Alike Words)
  1. en echoes
  2. en echoer
  3. en echoey
  4. en choked
  5. en chord
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