
eloquent 范例


    Examples of eloquent in a Sentence

  • 例句 eloquent
    1. He was an eloquent speaker, and his slip of the tongue was a one-time error.
    2. 1962: the friendly and eloquent monarch would be interrupted by a pertussal "backdraucht" in a crowd of school-children. — Vladimir Nabokov, Pale Fire
    3. to wax lyrical;  to wax eloquent;  to wax wode
    4. The eloquent speaker persuasively stated her argument.
    5. Cicero was an eloquent orator of antiquity. ‎
    6. To call George eloquent is certainly a reach.
  • 例句 most eloquent
    1. "But why should I attempt to depict and describe in detail, and feature by feature, the beauty of the peerless Dulcinea, the burden being one worthy of other shoulders than mine, an enterprise wherein the pencils of Parrhasius, Timantes, and Apelles, and the graver of Lysippus ought to be employed, to paint it in pictures and carve it in marble and bronze, and Ciceronian and Demosthenian eloquence to sound its praises?" ¶ "What does Demosthenian mean, Senor Don Quixote?" said the duchess; "it is a word I never heard in all my life." ¶ "Demosthenian eloquence," said Don Quixote, "means the eloquence of Demosthenes, as Ciceronian means that of Cicero, who were the two most eloquent orators in the world."
  1. en eloquently
  2. en eloquentness
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