
fiber 范例

EN[ˈfaɪ.bə] [ˈfaɪ.bɚ] [-aɪbə(r)]
纤维 纤维

    Examples of fiber in a Sentence

  • 例句 fiber
    1. Since the development of fiber optics, treatments utilizing catheterization have replaced some former surgical procedures.
    2. The microscope showed a single blue fiber stuck to the sole of the shoe.
    3. The cloth is made from strange, somewhat rough fiber.
    4. Please use polyester fiber for this shirt.
    5. Fresh vegetables are a good source of fiber
    6. The ordeal was a test of everyone's fiber.
    7. Under this map, any two values in the fiber of a given point on the circle differ by 2π
    8. It is made of jusi cloth, that is, cloth woven from banana leaf fiber.
    9. to rot vegetable fiber
  • 例句 fibers
    1. In Slit2 mutant mice, motor nerves prematurely defasciculate into smaller bundlers in various muscles, unlike those in wild type that stay in compact fascicle until they reach the middle of muscle fibers.
    2. This active deswelling maintains the organization of collagen fibers implicated in crystal-clear corneal transparency.
    3. Electron microscopic analysis revealed mixed forms of demyelinated or dysmyelinated fibers compared to normal fibers (Fig.  4d-g ).
    4. Intake of dry matter, fibers, fat, protein and the majority of minerals and phenols decreased with increased frugivory and there was some indication of seasonal variation in intake of energy (KCal/g OM), tannins, protein/fiber ratio, and iron.
    5. CRF-immunoreactive fibers densely innervate many intrahypothalamic and extrahypothalamic brain areas, including hippocampus.
  1. en fibery
  2. en fibers
  3. en fibered
  4. en fiberise
  5. en fiberous
资料来源: 维基词典
困难度: 级别 4
容易     ➨     困难
明确性: 级别 6
明确的    ➨     多用途