
flowers 范例

EN[ˈflaʊəz] [ˈflaʊɚz]
花朵 (flower的复数)

    Examples of flowers in a Sentence

  • 例句 flower
    1. The child in the flower is adorable. [ …] Is that cute little crumb grinder one of yours?
    2. Amid the seemingly endless destruction, a single flower bloomed.
    3. Perfume is an emanation from a flower.
    4. The dogwoods are in flower this week.
    5. We selected the flower of the applicants.
    6. She was in the flower of her life.
    7. As the flower sticks were not the best known of juggling items, this was fast becoming the thing which Len could make his own.
    8. The silken tackle / Swell with the touches of those flower-soft hands / That yarely frame the office. ― Shakespeare.
  • 例句 flowers
    1. Ah, the flowers of spring.
    2. "And my Sunbeam was bravoed, and encored, and crowned with flowers, was she not?"
    3. The flowers were bobbing in the wind.
    4. I have a terrible brown thumb. I could probably kill silk flowers.
    5. The buttonbush shrub, which has little white flowers, feeds 18 species of butterflies and moths; and blueberry bushes, which support 288 species of moths and butterflies, thrive in big pots on a terrace.
    6. Annual geraniums and tobacco relatives like petunias, calibrachoas and nicotianas suffer most, but other flowers including osteospermums, mallows and chrysanthemums may also be attacked.
    7. I brought a carload of flowers to her.
    8. Cellophane flowers of yellow and green towering over your head
    9. Fairies use flowers for their charactery. — Shakespeare.
  • 例句 flowered
    1. Great jazz quartets have often flowered when a bandleading pianist finds a soulmate on sax: Monk and Charlie Rouse, for instance, or Brubeck and Paul Desmond.
    2. We read Izaak Walton for his tone, for his perfect attunement to the quiet streams and flowered meadows and bosky hills of the Thames valley long ago.
    3. The aesthetic of the house is prim and country, with white beadboard knee walls around the first floor and pale flowered wallpaper in the Shaker-style kitchen.
  • 例句 flowering
    1. The versatile anther is an important step up in flowering plant evolution and it may be the most widespread of all simple anther types.
    2. To counter the heft of such big leaves, add dainty flowering plants like Yellow Waxbells (Kirengeshoma palmata) or the underused astrantia in red or maroon.
    3. You can also have a long bloom season by including fall-flowering plants like chrysanthemums, anemones, cimicifugas, fall-blooming crocuses and false crocuses (colchicums).
    4. It would be an injustice, however, to regard Pegasus as simply a late flowering of the Corinthian spirit, a throwback to an era of elite amateurism
    5. Dicotyledons and monocotyledons together make up the flowering plants, the angiosperms.
    6. The province abounds with vast forests of timber; the plains are covered with a surprising luxuriancy of vegetables, flowers, and flowering shrubs, diffusing the most delicious fragrance.
    7. Note - maid is often used in the common or species names of flowering plants.
    8. Millerandage is most commonly caused by cold or bad weather during the flowering stage of the vines. It impairs the quality of wine made from the grapes.
    9. Then there was no more cover, for they straggled out, not in ranks but clusters, from among orange trees and tall, flowering shrubs [ …] .
  1. en flowers of tan
  2. en flowers of wine
  3. en flowers of sulfur
  4. en flowers of sulphur
  5. en flowers of antimony
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