
leaves 范例

EN[-iːvz] [liːvz]
树叶 (leaf的复数) 离开 (leave的第三人称单数)

    Examples of leaves in a Sentence

  • 例句 leaf
    1. Relief was essential and began under Hoover; then, under Roosevelt, relief turned into leaf-raking, and leaf-raking turned into constructive enterprise.
    2. The students studied the reticulation of the veins in the leaf.
    3. a segment of an orange;   a segment of a compound or divided leaf
    4. the apple-leaf sewer, Phoxopteris nubeculana
    5. the apple-leaf skeletonizer
    6. These sterigmata are retained and make the twigs rough for several years after leaf fall.
    7. A tautology can be verified by constructing a truth tree for its negation: if all of the leaf nodes of such truth tree end in X's, then the original (pre-negated) formula is a tautology.
    8. In science class, Jessie studied the venation of a leaf that had soaked in red food coloring.
    9. On the one hand, a sternness and a coarseness of structure which changes its stem into a stake, and its leaf into a spine; on the other, an utter flaccidity and ventosity of structure, which changes its stem into a riband, and its leaf into a bubble.
    10. crenelated leaf
  • 例句 leafs
    1. Later on Alice decensored her painting by painting over the fig leafs she had been forced to put in.
  • 例句 leaves
    1. Soaking camomile leaves in hot water for five minutes produces a very relaxing herb tea.
    2. Silver plants bring out the colors of everything else: purple gomphrenas, lime-green nicotianas, the apricot leaves of Caramel, a tough heuchera that can take humidity.
    3. Our local beekeeper leaves jars of honey for sale in his driveway. There's a coffee can for the money, and payment is on the honor system. ‎
    4. Remembering her insectophobia I did not point out the amazing line of ants ferrying leaves up the wall.
    5. The new leaflets at the end of the branch were a lighter shade of green than the mature leaves.
    6. The ballotine [ … ] came bathed in a light dill cream and garnished with mache leaves and arugula.
    7. A newspaper headline: Couple leaves business world to minister to inner-city children
    8. The most common symptom is a mild mottle on the youngest leaves of infected plants.
    9. An organic mulch is a mulch made of natural substances such as leaves or grass clippings.
  • 例句 leafed
    1. long-leafed
  • 例句 leafing
    1. He chanced upon the definition when leafing through the dictionary.
  1. en leavest
  2. en leaves out
  3. en leaves alone
  4. en leaves behind
  5. en leaves for dead
资料来源: 维基词典
困难度: 级别 1
容易     ➨     困难
明确性: 级别 1
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