
maintaining 范例

维持 (maintain的现在分词)

    Examples of maintaining in a Sentence

  • 例句 maintain
    1. Always maintain C-spine if there is even a chance that someone has hit their head or fallen.
    2. They have no internal or external support structure, being simply a fabric bag (or envelope) filled with a lighter than air gas. Inside the envelope are one or more "ballonets", or smaller bags, which help maintain the envelope's shape.
    3. A neutrally buoyant diver does not need to fin to maintain depth.
    4. Jack is considered a loose cannon due to his volatile personality and his track record of being unable to maintain his composure.
    5. My contention is that in order to maintain the practice of cruelty, a singular narrowmindedness of purpose is put into operation.
    6. The same goes for the business traveler looking to build or maintain a career, said Ms. Carlson, who has also consulted for nonathletes.
    7. I needed someone to create a garden for a nongardener: someone to maximize its strengths, while minimizing the hands-on effort that would be needed to maintain it.
    8. Relativists maintain that there are no fundamental differences between sciences and nonsciences.
  • 例句 maintains
    1. He maintains the political blotter blog.
    2. The group successfully maintains its tribal entity.
    3. In his epistemology, Plato maintains that our knowledge of universal concepts is a kind of recollection.
    4. Inevitably, the bishop himself strays from righteousness, and his oblique account of his downfall —— a halfbreed girl accuses him of fathering her child —— maintains a perfect pitch of cruelty and farce.
    5. The structure will house the United States Army signal corps office which maintains radio and cable communication between Alaska and the States
    6. This active deswelling maintains the organization of collagen fibers implicated in crystal-clear corneal transparency.
    7. This system mainly regulates the blood pressure and maintains hydromineral homeostasis.
  • 例句 maintained
    1. Classrooms became larger, but the egg crate design was maintained.
    2. By tuning the weights of any given network so as to reach the lowest possible eigenratio , the synchronized state is guaranteed to be maintained across the longest possible range of coupling strengths.
    3. Altogether, the present data show that the Toxoplasma-induced hypermigratory phenotype in a 3D matrix is consistent with integrin-independent amoeboid DC migration with maintained responsiveness to chemotactic and chemokinetic cues.
    4. Is the hypofiltrating effect of acetazolamide maintained in the long-term?
    5. In the present study, we describe moderate protection of EHTs against hypoxia/reoxygenation-induced stunning by NO and BNP. Both treatments induced apparent cardioprotection that was detected as a maintained contractile activity and inotropy.
  • 例句 maintaining
    1. The controversy mirrors a broader debate about the relevance of monarchy in Europe, as members of the younger generation marry nonroyals with checkered pasts and taxpayers question the expense of maintaining their monarchs’ lifestyles.
    2. Maintaining a high-fibre diet keeps you regular. ‎
    3. Maintaining a clean airstream around the car is important for good fuel economy.
    4. This system of so-called allostasis, of maintaining control through constant change, stands in contrast to the mechanisms of homeostasis that keep the pH level and oxygen concentration in the blood within a narrow and invariant range.
    5. [ … ] Ms. Wallace will be charged with maintaining the program’s lead in the ratings [ … ] while trying to staunch a dropoff in the program’s viewership.
    6. The identification division gives the name of the program, its author, the date the program was written and other information that other users may find helpful in understanding or maintaining the program.
    7. By this useful accommodation of language, the character of indefeasibility attributed to justice is kept up, and we are saved from the necessity of maintaining that there can be laudable injustice.
    8. The perfume industry is facing a major problem: maintaining constant levels of quality is crucial, but it is increasingly difficult to obtain a regular supply of all the necessary natural ingredients.

Other Vocabulary

形似词 (Look-Alike Words)
  1. en mainlining
  2. en containing
  3. en maintained
  4. en abstaining
  5. en maintainer
资料来源: 维基词典
困难度: 级别 2
容易     ➨     困难
明确性: 级别 1
明确的    ➨     多用途