
monument 范例

纪念碑, 纪念馆 紀念建築物

    Examples of monument in a Sentence

  • 例句 monument
    1. There is a monument on the town green to the soldiers who died in World War I.
    2. Were these that worshipped here more reverential of the dead? or more affectionate in attachments unsevered by the grave? or more abundant in resources to procure what gentle-hearted poverty might sigh for in vain, a monument, or tablet, or grave stone;
    3. After the end of the grand construction phase of Stonehenge, around 2400 B.C., the monument was altered, but the era of megamonument building was over.
  • 例句 monuments
    1. And yet this same ungenial climate, hostile as it generally is to the long remembrance of departed people, has sometimes a lovely way of dealing with the records on certain monuments that lie horizontally in the open air.
    2. Its landscape is one of inanimate monuments and buildings; near-inanimate barmen, taxi-drivers, bellhops, guides: there to do any bidding, to varying degrees of efficiency, on receipt of the recommended baksheesh, pourboire, mancia, tip.
    3. As a retired Unesco official with much experience in conserving monuments, Mr. Mutal, 73, has been caught up in the bureaucratic maneuverings to save it.
    4. At the piazzas, Romans are usually surrounded by tourists attracted by the classical palazzos, churches, monuments and fountains.
    5. What stratagemicall actes and monuments do you thinke an ingenious infant of my age might enact? you will saie, it were sufficient if he slurre a die, pawne his master to the vtmost pennie, & minister the oath on the pantoffle arteficially.
  1. fr monument
  2. fr monuments
  3. en monuments
  4. en monumental
  5. fr monumental
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