
numbers 范例

EN[ˈnʌmbɚz] [ˈnʌmbəz]
数 (number的复数) 算 (number的第三人称单数)

    Examples of numbers in a Sentence

  • 例句 number
    1. It is likely that the decrease in the number of PC shots during the surgery can reduce inflammation, however there still remains the risk of the progression of the neovascularization such as rubeotic glaucoma.
    2. Minimum age of Maiasaura individuals was determined by counting the number of annually deposited lines of arrested growth (see [10 –12 ] for descriptions of skeletochronology methods).
    3. This method, as well as the inclusion of a large portion of patients with subocclusive lesions (>70-100 %), probably might explain why such a relative low number of patients displayed well-developed collateral arteries in this cohort.
    4. While nine barnacle species are recorded for the German sectors of the North and Baltic Sea [95 ], the total number of thecostracan species inhabiting the North Sea is unknown.
    5. Rapidly proliferating thyrocytes are likely more vulnerable to mutagens such as radiation, chemical carcinogens and oxidative stress, and may accumulate a higher number of genetic alterations.
    6. These similarities include the conspicuously alternating sizes of the outer oral styles (Fig 4B ), the dorsal trichoscalid number and arrangement, and the appearance of the placids in the neck region (Fig 5C ) [32 ], [33 ].
  • 例句 numbers
    1. In this way, we find some new pairs $(h^{1,1},\;h^{2,1})$ of Hodge numbers of Calabi-Yau threefolds.
    2. from 1945 through 1991;  the numbers 1 through 9;  your membership is active through March 15, 2013 ‎
    3. Cantor’s “diagonal proofshows that the set of real numbers is uncountable.
    4. The sheer numbers they attacked with were unfathomable.
    5. If the hour and the circumstance and the cause will but unite us, this unweaponed host will stretch away at once in majestic orders of tens of thousands--legions upon legions that would shame Xerxes for numbers and that first Caesar for strength.
    6. the winning lotto numbers
    7. Seeger's palette is bold and rich -- and those who experience numbers coloristically (in my case, four is blue, seven is green and eight is orange) know how important this can be in making friends with them.
    8. Social networking will turn us all into facelessly meaningless numbers on a screen.
    9. Some numbers are incomputably large.
  • 例句 numbered
    1. AFSl is made up of thirteen bifolds, or fifty-two pages (each unfolded folio measuring 13.5 x 21 inches), beginning with the title page and continuing for fifty-one numbered pages.
    2. We aren't sure how we happened to find ourself numbered among the ultraliberal patsies rather than the pigeons of rock-ribbed conservatism [ … ] .
    3. Following this line, I soon came upon a yellow, vestibuled car numbered 1852—of a plain, double-trucked type common from 1900 to 1910.
    4. Since they were nonconsecutively numbered, it was difficult to find out whether any of the barcoded goods were missing.
    5. In zero-based indexing, array variables in a computer program are numbered upwards from zero.
    6. When an italicized label or guide phrase follows a boldface numeral, the label or phrase applies only to that specific numbered sense and its subsenses.
    7. Nine numbered symphonies, including the Fifth, were composed by Beethoven.
  • 例句 numbering
    1. 2006, Robert J. MacPherson, Buckner Hinkle, W. Alexander Moseley, Discovery deskbook for construction disputes, p. 73: When Bates numbering documents for production, remove any documents among them that are not relevant or not covered by the request before Bates numbering...
  1. en numbersome
  2. en numbers game
  3. en numbers games
  4. en numbers racket
  5. en numbers station
资料来源: 维基词典
困难度: 级别 1
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明确性: 级别 1
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