
opinion 范例

EN[əˈpɪnjən] [-ɪnjən]
意见, 看法, 主张

    Examples of opinion in a Sentence

  • 例句 opinion
    1. fluctuations of opinion
    2. In the opinion of the community at large Stephen's forehandedness in the matter of preparations for his marriage was imprudence, and his desire for neatness and beauty flagrant extravagance.
    3. His friend's opinion had an impact on his decision.
    4. Congress entertained an opinion of its injuriousness to the character of the Indians, and passed laws excluding it.
    5. No economist, with the possible exception of the most doctrinaire metallists, have ever expressed any other opinion. --American Economic Review (1938) 28, p. 316
    6. I have given my opinion against the authority of two great men, but I hope without offence to their memories.
    7. Everybody offered an opinion. ‎
  • 例句 opinions
    1. His opinions aren't worth a dime.
    2. overgross opinions to enter into your learned headDodd.
    3. to square our actions by the opinions of others
    4. to try weights or measures by a standard;  to try a person's opinions
    5. There were books with dreary, unenlivening titles,--egotistic always, as recording Smith's opinions on this, and Jones's commentaries on that.
    6. We're not always entitled to our opinions, and they can be unentitled
    7. Digital utopians have heralded the dawn of an era in which Web 2.0 [ … ] ushers in the democratization of the world: more information, more perspectives, more opinions, more everything, and most of it without filters or fees.
    8. Some men are genially disposed to some opinions. — Glanvill.
  1. fr opinion
  2. en opinions
  3. fr opinions
  4. en opinionated
  5. en opinioned
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