
orderly 范例

EN[ˈɔɹdɚli] [ˈɔːdəli]
整洁的, 有秩序的

    Examples of orderly in a Sentence

  • 例句 orderly
    1. He has always kept an orderly kitchen, with nothing out of place.
    2. We live in an orderly universe, where rules govern both the movements of planets and the binding of molecules.
    3. An orderly gathering of citizens stood on the corner awaiting the bus.
    4. The spiritful and orderly life of our own grown men. — Milton.
    5. Steyn continues and it's all a bit more orderly down his end as O'Brien defends the first three balls with a straight bat and a respectful dip of the head.
    6. Girls are always trying to find something which they can make to delight their papas, and a gay little pen-wiper with fresh uninked leaves rarely comes amiss to a man who likes an orderly writing-table.
    7. Unlike the orderly or batman, a humble low-ranking servant, an aide-de-camp is often a general, who before the institution of the chief of staff could hold a similar position to his chief.
    8. "We were calling for an orderly and smooth reappreciation of risks, and we asked markets and investors to be as keen as possible to avoid sharp and abrupt corrections," Mr. Trichet said.
    9. Keeping this power apart from the Fed also prevents it from being drawn into the political maelstrom of whether to lend funds to a weakened institution or to seize it for an orderly winddown.
  • 例句 orderlies
    1. All food is fetched in dixeys (large boilers), and tea, stew, and bacon are all cooked in turn in these, so if the orderlies don't wash them clean at dinner time we have greasy, stewy tea.
  • 例句 more orderly
    1. Steyn continues and it's all a bit more orderly down his end as O'Brien defends the first three balls with a straight bat and a respectful dip of the head.

Other Vocabulary

形似词 (Look-Alike Words)
  1. en orders
  2. en ordered
  3. en formerly
  4. en elderly
  5. en ordeal
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