
other than 范例


    Examples of other than in a Sentence

  • 例句 other than
    1. My FedEx driver is of the female persuasion. I don't posess[sic] a working dykedar, so I can't say a thing about her; other than she is quite, well, I guess handsome would be the best word for it.
    2. The subjects had no associated acute or chronic disease, had not been previously exposed to endogenous or exogenous glucocorticoid compounds other than HC and were not presently receiving either contraceptive estroprogestative or anti-epileptic compounds.
    3. Subjects with ophthalmic conditions other than dry eye or systemic disease including blepharitis, meibomitis, lid abnormalities as well as contact lens wearers were also excluded.
    4. In this paper, we examine the feasibility of designing a molecular receiver, in a physical domain other than synthetic biology, meeting the basic requirements of nanonetwork applications.
    5. Parliamentary guidelines state that MPs should not use comcars for anything other than official parliamentary or committee business.
    6. Operation-related risk factors were emergency surgery, other than isolated coronary surgery, thoracic aorta surgery, and surgery for postinfarct septal rupture.
    7. Furthermore, our findings cannot be generalized to unreferred patients or to ethnic groups other than Caucasians.
资料来源: 维基词典
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