
ownership 范例

所有(权), 所有制 所有权

    Examples of ownership in a Sentence

  • 例句 ownership
    1. “But that kind of single-value ownership is not that leverageable anymore,” he added.
    2. Over much of the Great Plains, water was not available yearlong for units of land as small as the customary ownership units
    3. The property lapsed into disrepair under decades of absentee ownership.
    4. The numerous absentee ownerships made it difficult for the owners to make common cause.
    5. He was an able adapter, and could easily adjust to the differences when the company changed ownership.
    6. Joe leaves property "to Mike for life, and then to Mike's oldest surviving child"; since it is not known who will be Mike's oldest surviving child at the time of Mike's death, ownership of the property is a contingent remainder.
    7. Joe gives Mike an estate in land "so long as no alcohol is brought onto the property"; this creates a fee simple determinable - if alcohol is brought onto the property, ownership of the land automatically reverts to Joe.
    8. Of course, to a gunloon, freedom is _defined_ by gun ownership.
  • 例句 ownerships
    1. The numerous absentee ownerships made it difficult for the owners to make common cause.
  1. en ownerships
  2. en ownership equity
资料来源: 维基词典
困难度: 级别 3
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