
probable 范例

或有的, 大概的

    Examples of probable in a Sentence

  • 例句 probable
    1. Instead, it is more probable that globalization is leading to a plurality of pluralisms.
    2. ... it supposes only pluripresence; and when spirits are divested of matter, it seems probable that they should see with more extent than when in an embodied state. - Samuel Johnson
    3. The prover belongs to a family of checking devices, Turing machines or sequences of these, that are capable of establishing the probable correctness of solutions for very large classes of problems.
    4. I could not find out whether the victims are intoxicated before execution : it is highly probable, as the African's, and especially the Yoruban's, object is to send these messengers to deadland in the best of tempers.
    5. Our data suggest the silencing of dCK as the probable causative mechanism of the resistance to fludarabine and of the cross-resistance to other antinucleotides, both pyrimidine- and purine-derived.
    6. The presence of a slight precingulid indicates the probable presence of a small paraconid.
  • 例句 more probable
    1. For atheism to be rationally justified it is only necessary that it be more probable than not or at least more probable than theism. Certainty is no more required in the case of atheism than it is in the case of scientific theories.
    2. Ludwig Boltzmann defined entropy as being directly proportional to the natural logarithm of the number of microstates yielding an equivalent thermodynamic macrostate (with the eponymous constant of proportionality). Assuming (by the fundamental postulate of statistical mechanics), that all microstates are equally probable, this means, on the one hand, that macrostates with higher entropy are more probable, and on the other hand, that for such macrostates, the quantity of information required to describe a particular one of its microstates will be higher. That is, the Shannon entropy of a macrostate would be directly proportional to the logarithm of the number of equivalent microstates (making it up). In other words, thermodynamic and informational entropies are rather compatible, which shouldn't be surprising since Claude Shannon derived the notation 'H' for information entropy from Boltzmann's H-theorem.
    3. Instead, it is more probable that globalization is leading to a plurality of pluralisms.
  1. fr probable
  2. fr probables
  3. en probabley
  4. fr probablement
  5. en probableness
资料来源: 维基词典
困难度: 级别 1
容易     ➨     困难
明确性: 级别 8
明确的    ➨     多用途