
sand 范例

EN[sænd] [-ænd]

    Examples of sand in a Sentence

  • 例句 sand
    1. A program summary showing the type and volume of fluid and the size and amount of sand that is planned for the eight fracs is shown in table 1.
    2. The sun glared down on the desert sand.
    3. Still, he believed deeply in the sixty-three-year-old goateed vegetarian and knew that with the program of careful diet, bodybuilding, swimming, and running up eight-story sand dunes, he would not be where he was now.
    4. The head-in-the-sand approach to economic problems frequently bankrupts companies.
    5. It was the Lost Oasis, the Oasis of the vision in the sand. […] Deep-hidden in the hollow, beneath the cliffs, it lay; and round it the happy verdure spread for many a rood.
    6. The Coastal Scene Rugged headlands, small sandy coves, and broad plains that may be partially hilled with sand dunes or covered by dense forest blend to produce unmatched beauty and scenic variety.
    7. The lightning was hot enough to melt the sand.
    8. Asphalt, composed of oil and sand, is a widely used material for roads. ‎
  • 例句 sands
    1. Firmless sands. — Sylvester.
    2. The lagoon deposits overlie and interfinger with beach sands in SAV3 and SAV4, which overlie an early Holocene estuary deposit in SAV4.
    3. The stars are as numberless as the sands on a beach.
    4. The Canadian tar sands are a promising source of oil. ‎
    5. Sure enough, they've got mullered. They're yesterday's men. The sands of time have washed over them.
    6. Displacement on F3 was followed by continued accumulation and onlap of the fine-grained sands of unit 3 on the footwall and development of soil Qb2.
    7. The sands of a lifetime are rapidly running out.
  • 例句 sanded
    1. The door panel should be sanded down carefully to provide a good key for the new paint. ‎
    2. These are ponderous flat stones with long ropes at each end, by which the stones are slidden about, to and fro, over the wet and sanded decks; a most wearisome, dog-like, galley-slave employment.
  • 例句 sanding
    1. I can't very well talk to you and concentrate on sanding this at the same time. ‎
    2. wood flour, produced by sanding wood
  1. en sandy
  2. en sandstone
  3. en sandwich
  4. fr sandwich
  5. en sandal
资料来源: 维基词典
困难度: 级别 1
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明确性: 级别 9
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