
assume 测验

EN[əˈsjuːm] [əˈsuːm] [əˈʃuːm]
假定, 承担, 呈现
  • 问题 1 :
  • To this end, constant hydration ratios of the normohydrated LTM and ATM are assumed [ 17 ] and the model determines whether changes in ICF and ECF reflect increase or loss of ATM or LTM.
    1. assuming
    2. assumed
    3. assumes
    4. assume
  • 问题 2 :
  • On the same page, Mr. Coplans, one assumes, insinuates the pedigree of Ms. Benglis’s action by including an uncaptioned photograph of the Comtesse de Castiglione, the 19th-century French beauty who may have been the first woman to self-consciously orchestrate images of herself for the camera, from pose to attire to maquillage.
    1. assuming
    2. assumed
    3. assumes
    4. assume
  1. fr assume
  2. fr assumer
  3. en assumed
  4. fr assumez
  5. en assumes
资料来源: 维基词典
困难度: 级别 1
容易     ➨     困难
明确性: 级别 8
明确的    ➨     多用途