
terms 测验

EN[tɜːmz] [tɝmz]
条款 (term的名词复数)
  • 问题 1 :
  • To “sneak” implies that she was doing something wrong rather than using the proper, nonvulgar term for a body part, a term that children are presumably learning in their science classes.
    1. terming
    2. termed
    3. terms
    4. term
  • 问题 2 :
  • fan fiction - Sometimes improperly used to mean fan science fiction, that is, ordinary fantasy published in a fan magazine. Properly, the term means fiction about fans, or something about pros, and occasionally bringing in some famous characters stf stories. It may refer to real fans by name Tucker nudged Brackney, who was nursing a "black eye"e;, or may be about types, especially Joe Fann.
    1. terming
    2. termed
    3. terms
    4. term
  1. en terms of art
  2. en terms of trade
  3. en terms of address
  4. en terms of endearment
  5. en terms and conditions
资料来源: 维基词典
困难度: 级别 1
容易     ➨     困难
明确性: 级别 1
明确的    ➨     多用途