
yarning 测验

  • 问题 1 :
  • 1965: 'Australian Rules draws bigger crowds in Melbourne than Rugby in Sydney.' 'What?' Sydney Sam would say, 'that's not football, mate, it's aerial ping-pong.' — Frank Hardy, The Yarns of Billy Borker page 43, quoted in G. A. Wilkes, A Dictionary of Australian Colloquialisms, second edition, 1985, Sydney University Press, ISBN 0-424-00113-6.
    1. yarning
    2. yarned
    3. yarns
    4. yarn
  • 问题 2 :
  • The salvagee or sub-division system is intended to remove this objection. The gradual and progressive re-action, which forms a distinctive character of this system, generates the strongest adhesion of the twists, or component parts of the rope, . (which at the same time are in spiral directions) nearly parallel; and of consequence, with a power but fractionally inferior to a combination of yarns parallel to each other.
    1. yarning
    2. yarned
    3. yarns
    4. yarn

Other Vocabulary

形似词 (Look-Alike Words)
  1. en warning
  2. en barning
  3. en darning
  4. en earning
  5. en morning
资料来源: 维基词典
明确性: 级别 1
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